

Hants PCC visit to Oarsome Chance

Oarsome Chance were very happy to welcome the Hampshire Police & Crime Commissioner, Donna Jones, who visited our Gosport centre on Sat 22 Jan. The Office for the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) has provided funding to OC, via the Safer Communities Fund, which has been helping us provide our extended support to vulnerable young … Read more


OC Round The Island Row – what an amazing effort

The dust has settled, the bruises and blisters are healing and we are delighted to announce that the final total raised by Team Oarsome in their Round The Island Row challenge, is £4661.69! Our generous donor matched every donation pound for pound, so everyone who donated can feel pleased their already generous donation was doubled up! … Read more


OC Round The Island Row: 30 Aug 2021

We have a brave team of staff and apprentices preparing for an epic Oarsome challenge at the end of August. Carly, Nick, Vikki, Obelix and Joe will be taking on a  50 nautical mile row around the Isle of Wight, rowing on one of our 23-foot open St Ayles class rowing Skiffs, built by our … Read more


Virtual National Junior Indoor Rowing Championships, 2021

Big congratulations to our Year 8 Girls indoor rowing team who took part in the National Junior Indoor Rowing Championships (NJIRC) on May 20th. Ruby, Lily and Phoebie have been training hard whenever they had the opportunity, despite all the disruption around Covid, Team members Nick and Sherrie have done a great job supporting them in … Read more


Oarsome Chance is featured in The Times

Oarsome Chance was selected by Sported as one of the twelve case studies to feature in this year’s Times and Sunday Times Christmas appeal. Oarsome Chance is a member of Sported, the UK’s largest network of community groups supporting 500,000 young people to reach their full potential. Sported’s network consists of 2,600 community sports groups … Read more

AkzoNobel pic 4

Our post 16 trainees working on our Oarsome Skiff O16 boat building project have been really lucky to have expert training and guidance from our charity partners AkzoNobel.

Our post 16 trainees working on our Oarsome Skiff O16 boat building project have been really lucky to have expert training and guidance from our charity partners AkzoNobel. After his initial visit and donation in October, Tim and his colleague Dean from AkzoNobel (International Paints Ltd) has been coming back to the workshop to guide … Read more

Mayor of gosport at Oarsome Chance

Mayor of Gosport gets rowing with Oarsome Chance

We were delighted to welcome the Mayor for Gosport, Councillor Mrs Zoe Huggins, as she joined us on a rowing challenge at our Maritime workshop. The Mayor has been busy during the month of October taking part in a fundraising ‘Mindful Marathon’ where she will cover 26 miles cycling, walking, swimming…. and in the case … Read more

OC paddlesports

Pop Up Paddlesports: reports are it’s a great success!

Oarsome Chance were approached by Friends of Hardway to help deliver diversionary activities for young people at Hardway Green for the Summer of 2020. The area had suffered some bouts of anti-scoial behaviour in the Summer of 2019 and the idea was to put on some inclusive activities out on the water as a positive response … Read more